Simplify your Network Infrastructure.
Unified Communications breaks down the walls between data and telephony. By moving your voice applications from switched networks to IP, you enable employees to use existing tools and applications such as phone, e-mail, IM and mobile on an integrated network with a unified framework.
The result is a more productive workforce.
Mosoca has the experience and depth to see your unified communications implementation through from concept to completion. Our unified communications solutions:
Make the most of existing infrastructure.
Reduce administrative requirements.
Unify communications for easy storage and archiving.
Facilitate regulatory compliance.
Streamline communications.
Enable Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for customer self-service systems.
Reduce maintenance costs.
Mosoca believes that IT concerns should never impede growth. By unifying communications, your business will have the flexibility to respond to future communication needs and opportunities. Contact us today for a communications infrastructure assessment.